Thursday, November 04, 2004

Local Stories

Adoptees meet world away: During the adoption process, the Dores had sent gifts and a disposable camera to the Shaowu Social Welfare Institute. The pictures taken in the orphanage gave a glimpse into the life of the daughter they later named Lily. One of their favorite photographs was of a young girl holding Lily and another baby.

From China with love: Gwen Dreilinger admits she already had a busy life. But something was missing when her younger son reached high school age two years ago and no longer needed her home in the afternoon.


Traditional wedding ceremony fashionable: It has become a new fashion of the young people in the city to hold wedding ceremonies in the traditional Chinese style.

Migrant children stay bottom of class: Despite government efforts to promote equal rights in the nine-year compulsory education for all of China's children, migrant workers are still finding it difficult to get their children enrolled in urban school systems unless they can afford the exorbitant extra fees.

Divorce rate in Shanghai soars: Divorce rates in Shanghai soared 30 per cent year-on-year between January and September to more than 20,000, according to the Marriage Administration Office of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau.

How world sees Bush victory—Beijing: China's communist rulers are not particularly fond of elections—the results are just so unpredictable.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Adoption Pin

This gold lapel pin has been created to help raise awareness for adoption nationwide. Proceeds raised will be given toward humanitarian aid to orphan children in different parts of the world.

(Thanks Robyn from APC!)

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Ladybug Bedding

Brittany R. came across this adorable ladybug baby bedding outfit in Burlington's Baby Depot. The line is from Glenna Jean and is called "Jitterbug." You can see (and order) the item from this link.


Artistic Hands Keep Ancient Art Alive: Like a proud mother, Yu Xianglian shows visitors her favorite clay figurines, "Happy Duo," at her newly opened studio in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province.

Martial law in Chinese city after riot kills 7: Martial law was declared in a town in eastern China after at least seven people died in rioting that saw hundreds of Muslim Chinese clashing against non-Muslims.

For the dream of a soybean silicon valley: Huaxia Soybean Biological Silicon Valley Industrial Park, which covers an area of 100 hectare, is under intensified construction at the National Agricultural Scientific and Technological Park in Tianjin Jinnan district. The project is part of the practical things people of insight in the investment and scientific research circles try to do to realize the dream of building a soybean silicon valley in China.

DNA Testing

Sisters Linked in the Lab: Families are using DNA testing to establish if adopted children are 'bio sibs.' Ethicists and educators warn the results can be unsettling.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Icy-Crispy Dragon Beard Candy

Haven't tried Dragon Beard Candy? The Yuzu Trading company extended a special offer for the China Adoption News weblog:

For your readers, through November 30, order Bamboo Garden Icy Crispy Dragon Beard Candy at:

and get free FedEx Ground shipping with orders over $50 (coupon code: CASWGND50)

or get free FedEx 2-day shipping with orders over $100 (coupon code: CASWTWD100)

"Bamboo Garden Icy-Crispy Dragon Beard Candy, originally developed as long as 2000 years ago, was first served to emperors and aristocrats. A skilled candy-maker repeatedly stretches, rotates, and doubles a maltose and sugar mass until thousands of thin strands are formed. Finally, the strands are trimmed and wrapped around some coconut, peanut and sesame seed bits."

This video shows how the candy is made.

China Related TV

China SproutChina Sprout posts a much-appreciated weekly guide for China Related TV listings.


China attacks Bush foreign policy: One of the main architects of China's foreign policy, Qian Qichen, has criticised US President George Bush just days before the American election.

'Ethnic violence' in China region: Martial law has been imposed in parts of the Chinese province of Henan after ethnic clashes in which witnesses say at least five people were killed.

Doctor in Life-and-death Struggle: A comprehensive survey released by a panel from the Clinical Research Office on Communicable Diseases at Beijing Huilongguan Hospital last year says among the 24 surveyed hospitals in China, 14,334 suicidal cases were recorded by emergency rooms between 1990 and last year, in which 72 per cent were from rural areas. And 71 per cent of these cases were women.

Falun Gong

Falun Gong: The End of Days, by Maria Hsia Chang:

This is an objective and scholarly account of one of the most challenging mass phenomena to emerge from China in recent years. Falun Gong ("Law Wheel Cultivation"), founded in 1992, had attracted millions of practitioners in China and worldwide by the time the Chinese banned it as an "evil cult" in 1999. Chang, a professor of political science at the University of Nevada, Reno, presents a highly readable account of the origins and beliefs of the group.