Sunday, December 26, 2004

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas!

I'll be taking time off from this blog, starting back up on Dec. 26. Until then, thanks for stopping by and have a Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Chinese Art

There is lots of great stuff from the webpage of artist Nan Rae, including Art Prints, Greeting Cards, Original Art, Art Lessons, Art Supplies, Art Books, and an Introduction to Brush Painting.

Nan Rae's Chinese brush painting combines the grace of the Literati style with an impressionist approach to color.

The Literati style seeks to transcend the mere representation of a subject to capture its ch'i, or life force, by using a minimum of brush strokes for maximum effect.

Nan Rae has also published a book, The Ch'i of the Brush: Capturing the Spirit of Nature With Chinese Brush Painting Techniques, which has received excellent reader reviews at

Adventures of Samantha!

The Adventures of Samantha! is a great example of how fun and easy it can be to create and maintain a weblog.

This Is a Blog On my Little Sister Samantha who was Adopted From China in July 15 2004 she is now eight years old.

Ladybug Items has a line of ladybug items, including bed sets, crib quilts, pillows, jackets, and this hat.

(Thanks Kristen from APC!)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Snow Sculpture

Tourists look at a snow sculpture at the 17th International Ice Sculpture Festival in Harbin, capital of Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.

Monday, December 20, 2004

The Early Show -- Exploring Adoption

Mom, Why Was I Adopted?

Adopting a child can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things people can do. Whether they adopt because they can't have children of their own, or because they want to give a child a good home, most adoptive parents are eternally thankful for the opportunity.

There are, however, several important psychological issues that arise after an adoption. As part of The Early Show series, "Exploring Adoption," child psychologist Robin Goodman vists to discuss a few of the ones parents must think about.


Ancient Irrigation System May Disappear in 25 Years: The number of the wells of a 2,000-year-old irrigation system in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has reduced from 1,784 to 614 during the past half-century.

China to introduce trial by jury: China is to introduce jury trials next year as part of reforms to its legal system. Jurors will be elected to serve a five-year term and must have at least two years of university education, court officials were quoted as saying.

China rules on religion 'relaxed': China has announced new rules on religious groups which it says will end discrimination on grounds of belief.

SARS more likely in warm winter: China's top SARS expert has warned people to be alert against a return of the deadly disease as this winter's unusually warm weather is conducive to the growth of viruses.

China Related TV

China SproutChina Sprout posts a much-appreciated weekly guide for China Related TV listings.

Sunday, December 19, 2004