Monday, February 07, 2005


(Image from

Local Story

Agency focuses on finding homes for young Chinese: As the eyes of the world are riveted on southern Asia and the plight of the tsunami orphans, Jan Welsh is trying to open hearts to another need: Chinese children awaiting adoptive families.

China Related TV

China SproutChina Sprout posts a much-appreciated weekly guide for China Related TV listings.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Monkey King

Kirby, a China-adoptive parent and Disney fan, pointed out this link, which includes a "cool 26 second video of the Monkey King performing at the China pavilion at Epcot."

Slow Boat to China

The Straight Dope informs us of the origin of the phrase "Slow Boat to China."

Where did he get the phrase? His daughter, Susan Loesser, author of a biography of her father, A Most Remarkable Fella (1993), writes: "I'd like to get you on a slow boat to China" was a well-known phrase among poker players, referring to a person who lost steadily and handsomely. My father turned it into a romantic song, placing the title in the mainstream of catch-phrases in 1947.

(Thanks Kirby!)


China Rescues 44 Babies from Traffickers: China, where strict family planning rules allow couples normally to have just one child, has broken up a baby-trafficking ring, arrested 40 people and rescued 44 infants.

China to Cut Taxes on Farmers and Raise Their Subsidies: Chinese officials are promising to reduce taxes on peasants and increase farm subsidies to improve the lot of 800 million rural residents left behind in the fast-growing economy.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Local Story

Asian culture finds a home, too: When Sandi Jacobs and her husband, Mark, came back from China a year ago after adopting their daughter, Emma, they thought it could be difficult to fit in with the rest of the community—especially when Emma was ready to begin Hebrew and Chinese schools.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Fearing Future, China Starts to Give Girls Their Due: For farming families in the lush mountains of coastal Fujian Province, the famous crop is oolong tea and the favorite source of labor is sons. The leafy bushes of tea fill the hillsides the same way young boys fill the village streets. [NYT: reg. req.]

China Targets Phone Fortune Telling: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has banned "birthday decoding" and "new year fortune-telling" text message and telephone services on the grounds they promoted superstition.

China battles meningitis outbreak: China has issued emergency orders to try and stem a meningitis outbreak that has killed at least 16 people and infected 258 in the last month.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Happy Birthday Mollie!

Wishing Mollie from Alaska a very Happy Birthday today!!