Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Local Story

Benton couple heads to the Far East for a new daughter: Stephen and Mary Malone decided their family was complete when their second daughter was born.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Local Story

ADOPTING SOPHIE: ONE COUPLE'S JOURNEY; CRASH COURSE IN CULTURE: Our daughter's name is Sophie Fahy Donna Yu Derr! My husband, Greg, and I like the name Sophie and my mother's Irish name, Fahy. Donna is in honor of my best friend who died of cancer four years ago, leaving two daughters.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Advances in Extreme Sports

Skateboarder clears Great Wall of China: Skateboarder Danny Way rolled down a massive ramp at nearly 50 mph and jumped across the Great Wall of China on Saturday, becoming the first person to clear the wall without motorized aid.

China Related TV

China SproutChina Sprout posts a much-appreciated weekly guide for China Related TV listings.

Local Story

JOURNEY TO JOY—Couple adopts a daughter from half a world away: At 3 p.m. March 7, there's a bang on our door at the Gloria Hotel in Nanchang, China. "They're in the lobby, all of them," shouts our friend, Kristy. We run into the hallway, many of us clutching cameras, videocams and photos, and hovering by the elevator.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Open Letter

The National Council of Chinese Americans has published this open letter:

"For the first time ever in human history, an economic and military superpower will emerge without war or warfare, and that is Asia's Middle Kingdom, China." These were the words of U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman when he and Senator Lamar Alexander introduced a new bill on the Senate floor on May 25, 2005.

The new bill put forward by the two Senators is the U.S.-China Cultural Engagement Act. Briefly, the bill aims to provide $1.3 billion to greatly enhance Chinese-language education in K-12 schools; expand the exchange of artists, scientists, and students, particularly young students, between the two countries; and promote scholarly studies on contemporary China.

The bill, if it becomes law, will no doubt lead to a better mutual understanding between the two great peoples across the Pacific Ocean. The impact of this bill on U.S.-China relations will be highly constructive and long-lasting. At home, the bill will especially benefit the Chinese-American community.

Never before has there been a bill in the history of U.S. Congress that specifically addressed Chinese culture and language in such a positive manner. And never before has the U.S. Congress had such a vision to develop the cultural relationship between China and the United States on such a long-term, strategic basis.

We certainly agree with that vision. The Chinese-American community, wherever they come from, whatever political views they hold, must come together to help support this bill and help make it into the law of the land.

We ask you to co-sign the open letter supporting this bill. Our time has come. Let us work together to help pass this bill. Let us secure a "yes" vote for this bill from every senator and congressman. Let us leave a truly great legacy to our children and all children of America.

(Thanks linnea from MAC!)

Claire's On-Line Diary

My Aunt sent me the link to this wonderful on-line diary.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Back After July 4

Due to work and vacation, I will be posting very little (if at all) until after July 4. Feel free to check back then. I'll also send a note to the major adoption lists as a reminder.

Until then, enjoy your summer! (Unless, of course, you live in the Southern Hemisphere . . . )