Thursday, August 04, 2005


China villagers ignorant of pig disease: In a small hillside community near the town of Zizhong, everyone has a backyard pigsty. The locals are both nervous and confused about this strange virulent swine disease that they hear has struck nearby.

Pope Gives Special Greeting to Chinese: Pope Benedict XVI greeted a group of priests from China "with particular affection" Wednesday, the first time a pontiff has publicly welcomed members of the state-controlled church in the latest sign of warming relations between the Vatican and Beijing.

English Names More Preferred than 'Comrade': People in China today are more accustomed to address their peers by their English names or directly calling their Chinese names, rather than by employing the term "comrade" -- a word used to address others in socialist Chinese society of the past half century.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Interesting Pictures

Pandas in a Needle

Happy Sand Sculpture


Beijing bans pork from pig disease province: Beijing has taken measures to prevent a deadly pig disease from entering the Chinese capital, including halting the sale of pork from Sichuan province, as the death toll climbed to 37.

Chinese calendars reveal ancient science: Researchers from across the globe have been looking into the history of science in ancient China to help illuminate events taking place in the world today.

Office etiquette can be a headache: It is a headache for some 40 percent of people starting out on their careers according to the latest survey conducted by recruitment website In the results Zhaopin disclosed, 23 percent of novice employees are at a loss as to how to address their bosses and colleagues, while one-third said they have quickly managed to get accustomed to their companies' style of address. Only 5 percent saw it as no problem at all.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Saturday, July 30, 2005


In China, a Musical Star Is Waiting to Be Born: DAI YICHEN is in the third row, far right side, her feet kicking and scraping against the wood floor with other students in her tap dance class. The rehearsal hall fills with a noise as pounding and repetitive as a hailstorm.

Infections from China pig disease jump to 152: The number of people infected by what Chinese authorities believe is a pig-borne disease in Sichuan province has risen by 21 to 152, the Hong Kong Health Department said, citing information from the mainland government.

Mud Bed Influences Chinese Ancient Culture: A German historian said that mud beds, or Kang in Chinese, played a significant role in shaping ancient Chinese cultural etiquette.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Featured Blog

Lindsey has a blog for her soon-to-be sister. Check out Lindsey's Mei Mei from China!

Nihao! My name is Lindsey and my parents and I are adopting a baby girl from China sometime this year. We are going to name her Chloe Madison and look forward to becoming her forever family.

Searching for More Information

Seek and You May Find: . . . In China, most children put up for adoption are abandoned. So Adele Hall, a searcher from San Antonio, Texas, uses her network in China to find police reports or "anything that might provide details of the abandonment." Happy endings aren't the rule: Hall's greatest success has been to connect adoptive parents with the person who first found their baby. In other countries, where mothers can be found, sometimes they can't or won't acknowledge parenthood.

Local Story

Giving back to orphanage: Last Wednesday, Anne Donohue and Stephen Conlin celebrated their daughter's 8th birthday. It has been almost eight years since Donohue and Conlin adopted Katie from an orphanage in China.