Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Local Story

Triple plum blessing: The story of Nora, Alice and Anna Youtz of Tenafly begins on a bridge in Qinzhou, a Chinese city of a million people so far south it is almost in Vietnam. On May 25 last year, three tiny morsels wrapped in baby blankets were found by a passer-by who reported them to the district police station. Police officer Gan Xiang-ming picked them up and took them to the city welfare office.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Friday, September 30, 2005

Local Story

Local couple praised for adoption work: Before adopting their two young daughters from China, Tim and Sue Muldoon never gave international adoption much consideration. Today, the couple mentor couples considering adoption and both have published articles on the subject.


Bats a 'likely source' of Sars: Researchers found a virus closely related to the Sars coronavirus in bats from three regions of China.

Concerns Grow Over Executions in China: Comprehensive death penalty statistics remain a state secret, although local jurisdictions will announce executions when that serves a political purpose. Human rights groups, however, say China executes more people than the rest of the world's governments combined.

US Warns of Possible Terror in China's Northwest: The United States has warned American travellers to be vigilant against a terrorist attack in China's restive northwestern region of Xinjiang after Beijing told police there to be prepared for danger.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lady Bug Cake

Betty Crocker has a Lady Bug Cake recipe that will be fun for the kids.

Delight your little ones with this cute-as-a-bug cake. All you need are cake mix, frosting and a few cookies and candies.

(Thanks Brian!)

Book Review on NPR

Alan Cheuse reviews A Thousand Years of Good Prayers by Chinese emigre Yiyun Li. It's a collection of stories about life in modern China and the United States.


Shanghainese Asked to Speak Putonghua: People from other parts of China often complain that visiting Shanghai is like arriving in a strange city.

Headhunting Heats Up in China Market: The world's largest law firms are intensely interested in China and the other fast-growing economies of Asia. But firms eager to open or expand offices there are finding the supply of lawyers is outstripped by demand.

Fur flies as rivals pit the panda against the monkey in battle for Olympic glory: China's Communist Party officials are locked in a battle over which animal to choose as mascot for the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

China's model for a censored Internet: As China began to go online, observers made brash predictions that the Internet would pry the country open. Cyberspace, the thinking went, would prove too vast and wild for Beijing to keep under its thumb.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Featured Blog

The featured blog for today is journeytogwen.blogspot.com.

That's right, ramblings about our journey to adopt our daughter from China - the ups, the downs, the heart-stopping moments of (oh my . . .!) is that the Fed-Ex guy!?!, when will we ever clear Immigration??!?! and the hurry-up-and-wait syndrome that is the adoption process...

Monday, September 26, 2005


China Tightens Its Restrictions for News Media on the Internet: China on Sunday imposed more restrictions intended to limit the news and other information available to Internet users, and it sharply restricted the scope of content permitted on Web sites.

China Related TV

China SproutChina Sprout posts a much-appreciated weekly guide for China Related TV listings.