Sunday, November 06, 2005

Featured Flickr Photo

Guilin - Mountains
Beautiful, eh?

(Courtesy of Pistachio Picacho)

Friday, November 04, 2005

Panoramic Pictures of China

This site has some breathtaking panoramic pictures of China.

Christmas Cards has a selection of Christmas Cards with Chinese children and greetings in English and Chinese.

FujianKids is an orphanage assistance organization run by volunteer parents of children adopted from China. We sell a limited number of items as fundraisers. Because the cost of all items is donated, 100 percent of the purchase price goes directly to help children in Chinese orphanages.


New bird flu outbreaks hit Asia: China and Vietnam have reported new bird flu outbreaks, as Japan announced its first case in more than a year.

China winemakers get better with age: A slice of onion or lemon, some ice-cubes or a mixer of lemonade are some of the tricks Chinese wine drinkers use to help a glass of red slip down.

China's Ten Billionaires: Forbes Asia magazine published its list of China's 40 richest businesspeople yesterday and all the top ten were calculated to be US$-billionaires, compared to only three last year.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Archaeologists Find Oldest Chinese Dragon Totem: A 3,700-year-old antique in the shape of a dragon, made up of over 2,000 pieces of turquoise, is believed by many Chinese scholars as the oldest Chinese dragon totem.

Top Brands Sue Silk Market: Five international fashion brands, Gucci, Chanel, Burberry, Prada and Louis Vuitton, are jointly suing the company that runs the capital's Silk Market and five of its stalls for selling counterfeit products.

Nurses learn to take care of AIDS orphans: As the HIV infected rate continues to rise, the number of AIDS-caused orphans grows as well. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, the number of such children standsbeyond 80,000, all living under stigma and discrimination.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


1.5m Chinese 'descendants of one man': Research into an unusually high prevalence of a particular set of genes in China has suggested that 1.5 million Chinese men are direct descendants of Giocangga, the grandfather of the founder of the Qing dynasty.

Rural Dwellers to Be Granted Urban Rights: A landmark initiative to abolish the division between "rural residents" and "urban residents" is being developed by 11 Chinese provinces.

China finds ancient observatory: Archaeologists in northern China have reportedly found one of the world's oldest observatories.

Main Ingredient in KFC Soup Confirmed Toxic: A meeting was held Monday by the Food Safety Experts Committee under the Guangdong Food and Drug Administration to evaluate if "Tianluxiang" (Sauropus androgynus), a major ingredient used in soup produced by fast-food giant KFC, was toxic.

Article on Gender Gap

Viral Theory on China Gender Gap: In a soon-to-be-published paper in the Journal of Political Economy, Harvard economist Emily Oster contends that the gender disparity in some parts of Asia is linked to the prevalence of the hepatitis B virus.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Local Story

My little China girl: PICTURE the scene. You're in a meeting room in an hotel in a remote Chinese city, waiting nervously with another family from Wales and one from England. Footsteps grow louder and suddenly the doorway is filled by seven people - a man, three women and three babies.

Cinderella 2005

L's in her hand-sewn Halloween costume (courtesy of her Grandmother!)

Witch 2005

E's in her hand-sewn Halloween costume (courtesy of her Grandmother!)