Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Popular Items

Since I started this blog in 2003, I've tried to list items that may be of interest to China-adoptive families. This is a list of what's been most popular:

Mulan Special Edition (DVD)

Big Bird in China (DVD)

China's Lost Girls

Adoption...the Songs you Love

Chinese Lullabies

Just Add One Chinese Sister

Ruby's Wish

Featured Flickr Photo


(Courtesy of lil aNNa)

Bird Flu News

Chinese girl has deadly bird flu: A 10-year-old girl in China has been diagnosed with the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus. The girl, from the southern Guangxi region, is the country's fourth confirmed case in the last month.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Chinese Translation

Have no the adult the child that look after with the old man prohibition against the next sea swimming
A set of rules on a Chinese beach, photographed by my dad, November 2005.

(Courtesy of Sockeyed)

This was highlighted on See if you can understand the English!

Featured Flickr Photo

Night stroll
along the outer walls of the Forbidden City

(Courtesy of Junk Girl)

Friday, December 02, 2005

Picture of the Day

Tai Shan, a giant panda cub, enjoys itself at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington D.C in the United State on November 29, 2005.

[Update: More photos here.]

Local Story

Laying yourself bare in front of strangers: He may be better known for his comments on interest rates and inflation, but ANZ chief economist Saul Eslake has also become well-versed in matters of inter-country adoption.

[Note, some may find the following comment interesting, "The people who do adopt children tend to be those who are moderately comfortable to well-off, and they are doing it for their own reasons as well as noble ones."]


Hunan welfare organizations involved in infant trafficking: Seven leaders and staff members of two welfare organizations in central China's Hunan province were taken into custody under suspicion of infant trafficking, the local pubic security bureau reported.

Toxins Make Second China City Cut Water: Another town on a poisoned Chinese river shut down its water system Wednesday after Communist Party members went door-to-door giving out bottled water in an effort to show that China's leaders can protect the public from the latest environmental disaster.

China's new rules open door to Amway, Avon, others: The Amway way is outlawed in China no more. The Avon lady is legal. Mary Kay can spread her pink gospel door-to-door in the world's biggest consumer market.

China marks World AIDS Day, but faces uphill battle against spread: AIDS Day with public awareness campaigns and a vow to keep HIV cases under 1.5 million, but experts said the country still faces an uphill battle in dealing with the crisis

China torture 'still widespread': A UN special envoy has said torture remains widespread in China but appears to be declining in urban areas.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Local Story

Hearts that can leap the world: Food's not the only thing Pete's generous with. He's got a big heart for children as well. So does Eileen. That's why the couple jumped all the hurdles, unraveled all the red tape and paid all the fees to adopt Raeann, Stephanie and Alexis from China -- not all at the same time, either. Three decisions, three procedures, three trips to China.