Thursday, March 16, 2006

Updated News

China Says No Babies Improperly Adopted: The Chinese government says that an investigation found no children involved in a recent baby-trafficking case were adopted by American families, a U.S. State Department official said Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Featured Flickr Photo

Green Sinkhole
The Karst region consists of socalled sinkholes. Here is an example, with the ricefields that are so characteristic for this area.

(Courtesy of Rob Millenaar)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Local Story

Families celebrate upcoming Chinese adoptions: Like most first-time mothers, Christi Gardner said she was shaking when she saw her daughter Grace's face for the first time. But a picture is all she has so far - Gardner will have to wait until May to hold the little girl. That's when she and her husband plan to travel to the Fogang orphanage in Guangdong Province, China, to pick up the daughter that the couple has waited a year and a half to meet.

China Related TV

China SproutChina Sprout posts a much-appreciated weekly guide for China Related TV listings.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Child Theft

Stealing Babies for Adoption: On a muggy evening in July 2004, on a concrete lane reeking of raw sewage and chemicals from surrounding factories, a stranger leapt from a white van. He yanked 16-month-old Fei Mei from the arms of her 8-year-old cousin and sped away.

Featured Flickr Photo

At the farm
The rice fields come right up to your doorstep. Pls. click 'all sizes' for a better view of all that's there...

(Courtesy of Rob Millenaar)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Photomax Movie Magic DVD

I've mentioned Photomax in previous posts. Today I'm going to highlight a Photomax product that should be of interest to many people who read this blog.

Movie Magic DVD takes your selected pictures and sets them to the music and background of choice. It's far more than just a slide show, with professional effects and transitions. The best way to get a feel for what it looks like is by viewing a sample (Quicktime format; select high or low bandwidth):

This month, Photomax is having a contest for the best Movie Magic DVD. The winner receives a trip to the 2007 Sundance Film Festival. More details . . . (And, FYI, anyone who enters will be competing against me! )

The Movie Magic DVD is another great reason to use Photomax to preserve and share your memories. If you haven't already, check out the Photomax Registration page, where you will get 20 free 4x6 prints and a free 8x10 for creating an account (as well as 5 Gb of on-line storage for your photos).

Friday, March 10, 2006


Virtual Heroes: Chinese society has changed so much that citizens don't know what makes a legend anymore--whether online or in real life.

Beijing's Trendy 'Chinese Style Western Food': Many Western style restaurants in Beijing have taken the path, one after the other, of serving "Chinese style Western food", with the result of easier acceptance by Beijing residents of this type of localized Western menu.

China reports 10th bird flu death: A child in south-east China has become the 10th person in the country to die of bird flu.

China shuts down outspoken blog: One of China's most outspoken and widely read blogs has been closed down by the authorities.


Sandstorm hits North China: Many areas in the northern and central parts of China are being hit by sandstorms, which are expected to last over the weekend and bring falling temperatures and strong winds.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006