Sunday, May 14, 2006

Local Story

Love knows no bounds: Love makes a family strong and binds people together. And that's something every child deserves to experience unconditionally. "Whether it be biological, through fostering, local adoption or international adoption, every child deserves the love of a family," says Krista Dolan.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Local Story

Love Travels: "God can't be always everywhere; and so, invented mothers," wrote poet Edwin Arnold. Sometimes, however, some mothers will go to the ends of the earth to bring love to a child who needs it. The Hubbard, Monaghan and Garvey families of Keystone have such mothers.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pollution in China

China's "Cancer Villages" Pay Heavy Price for Economic Progress: Sitting on his bed in his spartan house in one of China's so-called cancer villages, a 77-year-old retired cadre sheds tears as he speaks of the pollution he believes is killing him. "I just hope I can die sooner. I gave my life to the Communist Party yet I have nothing now, I have nothing to leave to my own children," the man said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Local Story

Schuster Will Meet Their Baby on Mother's Day: Fred Schuster won't be showing up for work at the hospital here for two weeks. Instead, he and his wife will be traveling to China to pick up the little girl they have chosen to adopt.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Featured Flickr Photo

多伦路文化街 01 -- Teapots
Teapots for sale... I like the little lion that sits on top.

The weather was perfect today... I bought a new lens, the cheap legendary 50mmf1.8, and went out to try out the lens.

Taken at one of the cultural streets in Shanghai -- Duo Lun Lu. A stretch of street with many historical buildings, cafes and little stores.

(Courtesy of Ya Ya)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Local Story

Many Miles, Many Smiles: When Tony and Jodi Miceli show off their new baby to friends and family, people can't help but comment, "She looks just like her mommy!" Remarkably, she does. Even though Cecilia Bao Miceli was born in China and has only been with the Micelis for a little less than a month, "Ceci" resembles Jodi with her full cheeks and eyes that squint into small slits when she smiles. And smiling is something the little baby does quite often.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Local Story

Three women, one destination: It is time, they said. An American woman will come for the girl with the birthmark, officials from the Fengcheng Sui, a social welfare institute in town, told the foster mother. So, Li Jingling dresses the young child for the final time.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Where are the blog posts?

Sorry that this blog has been inactive for the last little while. My wife and I are starting up a home-based distributorship for Pharmanex products. We've been very busy with that lately.

I'll continue to post as much as I can, but I'll probably cut my posting frequency down to 2-3 times a week. I definetly want to pass two milestones that are coming up soon: (1) The three-year anniversary of China Adoption News, and (b) my 1500th blog entry!

A note about Pharmanex and their products -- I started taking Pharmanex LifePak supplements about two months ago for the long-term health benefits they provide. (If you're not aware of the importance of antioxidants in your diet, read the book The Antioxidant Miracle by Lester Packer, from Cal-Berkeley. He's been studying them for 5 decades and states that "70% of Americans will die prematurely from disease caused by or compounded by a dificiency of antioxidants"!) But now that I've been taking LifePak for almost two months, I get through the day without fatigue and I've lost 8 pounds. So, along with the long-term benefits I'll get, they're definitely providing short-term benefits for me also!