Monday, August 20, 2007

Local Story

Family on way to China for girl: A local family is in China this week picking up their new daughter as they complete their second international adoption. When Bill and Kathy Henry return, they will be joined by 22-month-old Olivia Glynnis, who lives in an orphanage in China's Guangdong Province. "It's very exciting," Kathy said. "We're fortunate to be able to do this, or we wouldn't have any children."

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Check out Red Threads

If you've found this blog and are interested in reading a China Adoption information blog that's up-to-date, check out Red Threads.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Three Years

Three years and nearly 1500 posts later, it's time for me to retire this weblog. It's been fun and informative, and I've very much enjoyed the comments and e-mails from others. Please feel free to contact me for any reason. I wish everyone the best!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Local Story

Interracial twins bring a new dimension to the American family: Jenna and Sam Goering are in the same grade in school, play with the same younger brother and sisters, and live in the same spacious farmhouse-style home in Bourbonnais, Ill. Seven years ago, they entered their parents' lives on the same day.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Local Story

Bridge between cultures: At 10, Kelsey FitzGerald gets more excited about the idea of seeing Disney World than traveling to China, the place where she was born. But whenever Kelsey has to dress up, she wants to wear one of her Chinese gowns, especially the long pink one with white blossoms.

Featured Flickr Photo

fast chopstick action

(Courtesy of Phil~)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Local Story

The Greatest Mother's Day Gift Of All: When Southold resident Cathy Reilly lost her adopted baby girl Gracie to sudden onset leukemia in 2004, she faced a heartbreaking reality that no mother should ever have to bear.