Monday, September 10, 2007

Baby Yao Number Three

Baby Yao Number Three, originally uploaded by Expatriate Games.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Referal Pictures

New Baby Coming to the Crocker House!

It's been an exciting day for the Crocker Family. We received these precious pictures from our adoption agency this afternoon. This is Chen Yue Jia, who will be my daughter in just a few short weeks.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


cages, originally uploaded by pissiro.

it's a perfect day...

it's a perfect day..., originally uploaded by pissiro.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Love Without Boundaries

Edmond group sends 'love' to China: A group of Edmond families are helping Chinese orphans become eligible for adoption while enriching their lives in China. Love Without Boundaries is an Edmond nonprofit providing medical assistance, foster care, education and nutrition to orphans living in China, said Nancy Delpha of Edmond, director of operations.

A trip to Yunnan

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Local Story

Coming full circle: She was found by a gate to the entrance of a police station. Abandoned by her parents, the baby girl wound up in a nearby orphanage. And there she might have remained if Kristin Pauly, a then-51-year-old single woman, hadn't traveled more than 8,000 miles to Changzhou, China, to adopt her.


heeeeELP!, originally uploaded by TohokuBen.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


For Some, Job Benefits Ease Growing Hassles of Adoption: Adopting a child from overseas has never been easy. But new restrictions on overseas adoptions have made the adoption process much tougher, causing added stress and job disruptions for would-be parents. The changes are demanding more patience on the part of adoptive parents, better planning and communication at work with bosses and co-workers, and more flexibility on the part of employers. Fortunately for some, the shift coincides with a sharp increase in adoption benefits by some employers, including paid leave and reimbursement for adoption costs.

Man Resorts to Surgery to Adopt Child: A man who weighed 558 pounds when a Missouri judge prevented him from adopting a child he and his wife had taken into their home underwent gastric bypass surgery Friday in a bid to win the child back.

Adoptees seek roots in China: Twelve years ago, five families from the Washington area came to this city in China's Jiangsu province to adopt children. They found little girls to welcome into their worlds and, in doing so, joined a new generation of American families that had only recently begun to adopt from this country.

Local Story

Bringing Emma home: For two and a half years, David and Dena Dwyer, of Tualatin, had worked, dreamed and prayed with one goal in mind — to adopt a baby from China. So when the day came on May 14 for them to meet 20-month-old Emma, who was born in Chongquing, China, they were excited.