Saturday, August 23, 2003

Local Stories


Couple looks back one year after adopting baby girl from China: Bill Reynolds often turns to his wife Judy and asks: "Do we know what we're doing?" But then something magical happens between the 55-year-old new father and his 18-month old daughter. The tiny bundle of energy locks her dark eyes with her daddy's and gives him a big hug. Then to the tune of his accompaniment on the ukulele her dad the professional musician bought for her, she masterfully dances the Hokey Pokey.

3 happy endings in a journey to China: When their parents arrived from America, the babies were sick. Abigail RuiFen 10 months, was coughing. Laura Florence Ruifang 10 months, had infections in both ears. Grace Marie Ruixue 9 months, was dehydrated and feverish.

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