Monday, August 11, 2003



China Online—Handmade Fans: In ancient China, fans, apart from the simple purpose of swatting pests and keeping cool, have acquired many other kinds of significance. Over 3,000 years ago, imperial families adopted long-shafted fans made of birds' feathers for court performances and ceremonies. These fans usually resembled the gorgeously colorful tail of mythical phoenixes.

China offers more subsidies to 'one-child' families: While there is no change in China's one-child-per-family policy, all single child families in Beijing will be given at least 1,000 yuan (120 US dollars) when the mother reaches 55 years of age or the father becomes 60.

Pregnant teens in China getting help: The growing number of pregnant teenagers—once shunned because of the shame they brought to their families—are finding new avenues for professional help and advice.

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