Friday, January 02, 2004


China says patient may have SARS coronavirus as foreign tests begin: China said initial tests showed a man at the centre of a SARS scare may indeed have the coronavirus linked to the disease, but the World Health Organization said it was still waiting for lab results from abroad.

Japan war shrine visit sparks row: Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has made a New Year visit to a controversial war shrine. The visit prompted a swift rebuke from China, whose deputy foreign minister expressed "righteous indignation" on behalf of the people of Asia.

China's entrepreneurs cash in on odd jobs : Chongqing, the world's biggest municipality is a powerful manufacturing hub. But it also has a rather unique service industry - the "bang bang" or oddjobbing migrant worker.

Chinese Police Told to Deal With Media: Here's a new notion for China: a publicly accountable police force. The Ministry of Public Security said Friday that police departments across the country must start issuing regular news releases to "promote transparency of police affairs." (NY Times req. free registration)

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