Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Local Stories

Families adopt a little bit of China: Montezuma resident Lynne Wagner-Lange sat at a table at the Dillon Dam Brewery on Thursday afternoon filled with all the excitement of an expectant mother. "I'm just so thankful to have the opportunity to be a parent," she said. "I can't wait to hold her in my arms. I'm so excited."

Gathering unites adoptive families: "Found forsaken." By the look of the children playing happily at Lexmark Park on a recent sunny Saturday, you'd never guess those two words once summed up their lot in life. Here they were, smiling as they rode the seesaws with their mothers, holding hands with siblings or bounding down the giant inflatable slide with their fathers.

Local couples look to overseas adoption: Finished with her part in a rehearsal for a dance recital, 4-year-old Savannah Cushman runs up to her father, Peter. "Want me to hold you upside down?" he asks.

Martial arts event will raise funds for adoption: A local martial arts school will soon be breaking boards to help a student's family adopt a child from China. The Board Break-A-Thon, to be held at Black Belt Academy, Route 516, July 10, came about after academy owner John McInerney learned that the family of one of his students was seeking help with the costs associated with the adoption.

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