Thursday, September 02, 2004


Chinese dyslexics have problems of their own: There is no one cause for dyslexia: rather, the causes vary between languages. So conclude researchers who have found that Chinese children with reading difficulties have different brain anomalies to their Western counterparts. The finding explains why one can be dyslexic in one language but not another.

Panda Celeb Gives Birth to Twins: The latest news from the Wulong Nature Reserve in southwestern China’s Sichuan Province is that Hua Mei, the American-born giant panda that returned to China on February 12 this year, gave birth to twins on the night of September 1. Hua Mei and her babies all appear to be in good condition.

Chinese Rice Takes Root in Ecuador: Chinese hybrid rice has taken root half a world away in Ecuador. "It has won the hearts of many farmers and triggered a fever for Chinese hybrid rice among leading Ecuadorian food processors," said Xu Jingbo, a hybrid rice expert sent to Ecuador by the Yahua Seeds Holding Co. in Hunan Province.

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