Wednesday, October 20, 2004


All type, no write makes Xiao Xu dull boy: An online survey, jointly conducted by the Beijing-based China Youth Daily and Chinese news portal, shows that 67 per cent of participants admit they occasionally forget how to write certain Chinese characters.

Looking for China's culture: While a lot of foreigners like the occasional Chinese meal, the only Chinese arts we are likely to have heard of are martial ones, and there is no sign of many of us showing any aptitude or appreciation for the glories of China's traditional culture. The trouble is, not many Chinese are these days either.

Cave art reveals ancient Chinese science thrived: Historians and relics experts claim they have discovered pictorial evidence for the study of ancient Chinese sciences and technologies from the frescoes inside the world-renowned Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, in Northwest China's Gansu Province.

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