Monday, November 29, 2004

Mulan Warning (Humor . . . kind of . . .)

Louise T. shares a true story about the dangers of watching Mulan!

I have belatedly realized that the movie Mulan may need a parental advisory warning after all.

My kids watched Mulan a couple of times last weekend, and again Wednesday night. On Thanksgiving day they were in their room upstairs recreating the Mulan story while playing with legos....the lego army of Huns marched over the pillow, sweeping toward the unsuspecting Imperial troops and the sleeping village, etc.

I heard Haydon loudly proclaim that the Huns had won, China was defeated, and everyone was going to eat at Mongolian Grill forever. Ellie was not to be outdone. She cheerfully shouted, "I will get Daddy's armor, chop off my hair, and fight for China!

I heard myself yell "Don't do it!" as I moved in cinematic slow motion toward the scene of battle. I already knew I was too late.

Yep, the scissors were still in one hand, one hunk of hair in the other, eyes big and worried. Ellie's below-the-shoulder hair was now chin length on one side.

Aarrggh! This is not our first unauthorized haircut, but by God, it had better be the last! I have no idea what she was thinking as she loves her longer hair and HOWLED at the thought that it would be cut short to even it out. Yesterday it was professonally cut chin length all around, in part to reinforce the notion that if she cuts it herself, it must be fixed. Aarrggh!

Watch those scissors!

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