Friday, November 12, 2004


Life as one of China's stolen babies: Dozens of Chinese babies are believed to be taken from or sold by their families each year, as part of a grim human trade. BBC World Service's Outlook programme spoke to 21-year-old Huang Xiuxiu, who was stolen from her family when she was just three.

China's Christians suffer for their faith: "They hung me up across an iron gate, then they yanked open the gate and my whole body lifted until my chest nearly split in two. I hung like that for four hours."

China's dirty energy takes its toll: With his thick smudged glasses and faltering gait, 77-year-old Liu Hongkui makes an unlikely protest leader. [He lives near] a coke plant, which belches out noxious fumes day and night. The residents are convinced it is poisoning them, causing respiratory disorders, heart disease and cancer.

Guangzhou to build world's highest tower: It is learned recently from the construction headquarters of the new Guangzhou Television Center that the design options for the new 580 to 600-meter-high Guangzhou Television Tower, the highest of its kind in the world, have been chosen preliminarily and have been handed over to the Guangzhou municipal government for approval.

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