Saturday, November 13, 2004


Large swathes of China in grip of worst drought in 50 years: A prolonged dry spell has ravaged southern and eastern provinces, including Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces and Guangxi autonomous region. In Jiangxi alone, drinking water to 620,000 people and 260,000 livestock is threatened.

Pets bring pleasure, problems to urbanites: The number of pet dogs in China's major cities is on the rise, bringing both happiness to their owners and some potential headaches to others. As individual incomes rise, China's city dwellers are developing a liking for pets.

Nutritional Imbalance Plagues People: Irrational diets, deficiencies in micro-nutrients such as iodine, iron and vitamins have become a nationwide problem and a vast number of people suffer from sub-standard health.

Frescos Found in Fujian: Dozens of color frescos from the time of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties have been found in Hua’an County of Fujian Province. Specialists say they epitomize traditional folk painting around the upper reaches of Jiulong River.

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