Thursday, December 30, 2004

Ancient Chinese Civilization

Exhibiton of ancient Chinese civilization held in Shanghai: A gilded bronze horse excavated from the Maoling Tomb of West Han Dynasty is displayed at the Shanghai Museum. [Link includes other great pictures!]

1 comment:

Jason Rutberg said...

Very nice sculpture of a golden horse. You seem to have an appreciation for art.

You might also be able to appreciate this information I have to share with you.

Dr. Mark Taylor, of Atlanta Live Media, is auctioning a 75 piece, 100 year old, family collection of pencil and ink drawings by artist Charles S. Gibson (1892-1973) not to be confused with Charles Dana Gibson (1867-1944), who created the Gibson Girl. They are really nice pieces of artwork.

I REALLY wish I could embed the pictures in this post for you. This is all pen & ink drawings and some of the structures are very impressive.

There are also some pretty impressive muscle drawings in this collection - of the face, arms, legs, etc.

So if you are interested, check it out. Who knows, it might inspire you :)