Friday, December 17, 2004


China pandas face food shortage: Giant pandas in parts of southern China are facing food shortages because a favourite staple—arrow bamboo—is blossoming and therefore inedible. The official Xinhua news agency said that the plant normally takes a decade to complete the blossoming process.

Workers Demand Union at Wal-Mart Supplier in China: Wal-Mart has been much in the news recently in China, with the government insisting that the retailer do what it refuses to do in the United States: allow all its workers to join unions. [NYT: free reg. req.]

US 'anger' at Israel weapons sale: The Israeli defence ministry has confirmed that it faced questioning by Washington over arms sales to China.

Ox or Donkey? Tiny Animal Stirs Huge Art Debate: A donkey or an ox—the question is still open—may be at the heart of a controversy surrounding one of China's most treasured national art works.

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