Friday, April 08, 2005

Cute Doll

For some strange reason, someone would like to feed this cute little doll to a pair of Rottweilers. Go figure . . .

Update: Figlet deleted the original entry due to traffic from this blog.


Anonymous said...

I can understand... that doll is full of racist stereotypes and is purely offensive....
I certainly would let my daughter play with it, Do I want her to think that little girls in china are made to carry heavy baskets?
If she ws holding the panda in her arms, maybe, but this wa, is just offensive.

Anonymous said...

Personally I'd like to feed all Precious Moments dolls to a pack of Rottweilers but that's just me

Actually, I would never do that. I wouldn't want the dogs to choke.

Anonymous said...

Pandas are far too big for a girl to carry in baskets... unless she's a giant. Either way, the doll's not my cup o' tea.