Friday, April 15, 2005


Bush—China a great nation growing like mad: US President George W. Bush urged once again for China to float its currency so as to protect American producers, and linking China's galloping economy with the rising gasoline prices in the United States.

More Shanghai Couples Have Second Child: Since new family planning laws were enacted in the city of Shanghai one year ago, 4,413 local couples have delivered a second child, 1.7 times the number reported during the previous year.

18 million Chinese adults now obese: China now has some 18 million obese adults, and 64 million adults may be at risk of cardiovascular disease because of poor dietary habits and lack of exercise.

Study Finds Pervasive Chinese Internet Controls: China is the world's leading censor of the Internet, filtering web sites, blogs, e-mail, and online forums for sensitive political content, according to a study released Thursday.

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