Thursday, September 08, 2005


Relief goods airlifted to hurricane-hit US: A plane carrying China's first batch of humanitarian aid to the United States for victims of Hurricane Katrina left here Wednesday afternoon. According to the information from the Ministry of Commerce, the relief goods include power generators, tents, bed sheets and child clothing.

Firms face moral dilemma in China: Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders has accused Yahoo of being "a police informant for the Chinese regime", following allegations that information supplied by the company helped jail a journalist.

As China changes, so does its image of US: As President Hu Jintao prepares to visit the US next week for the first time as China's leader, he represents a country whose popular understanding of America has become more diverse, yet whose negative impression of the US as a "bully" and "rival" continues to deepen, particularly among young people.

London and Beijing to exchange archaeological treasures: London and Beijing capped their status as Olympic cities yesterday by announcing an unprecedented exchange by loan of archaeological treasures over the next five years. This could lead to one or more of China's world-famous terracotta warriors going on show at the British Museum and to Chinese crowds having their first chance to see Egyptian mummies and cuneiform tablets from London.

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