Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Jiangxi Earthquake -- brief news from HTS

A message sent to wide distribution from Jenny Bowen, of Half The Sky:

Hi all,

I know that some of you have been worried about the children whose orphanages were affected by the earthquake on Saturday. Yesterday we spoke to the director of the Jiujiang (Jiangxi) institution, which is just a few miles from the epicenter. They are all fine. There were no injuries, just broken glass and some, what appear to minor, cracks in the walls. They are keeping the children outside as much as possible just in case their building is unsafe. Once the aftershocks cease and they can have the building inspected, they'll move back in. We asked them to please call us if they need anything and they thank us all for our concern.

This weekend I finished preparing photos of all of the new children in our programs who lack sponsors. There are 146 from Guangzhou, 15 from Beihai and 21 from Sanya. In addition to the 363 still unassigned from our current programs, that means that 545 children still need sponsors!

This does not mean that the children won't participate in Half the Sky programs--all children participate, whether their participation is funded or not. But those sponsorship dollars are what keep our programs afloat. Please considering giving the gift of a child or nanny sponsorship this holiday season. It costs only $25 per month, your gift will be remembered through the year with progress reports and photos and you transform a child's life. What better way could there be to honor someone special?

I'll be writing with more news soon. We're working on our 2006 calendar right now and I want to share our plans with you.

All the best,


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