Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Articles on Baby Trafficking

This is a topic that few will find enjoyable. But for those who are interested, I am posting links that have been provided by various people on different adoption lists.

Baby-Selling Ring Busted in China: Police in southern China have arrested 16 people allegedly involved in kidnapping and selling baby girls as young as newborns to foreigners.

Orphanages Accused in Baby-trading Scandal: Orphanages in central China's Hunan Province have sold or traded at least 100 babies over the past few years, and authorities are investigating a crime ring that may be marketing children across China.

Baby-selling orphanage in Hunan cracked down: The local police of Qidong County in Central China's Hunan Province announced the crackdown on a baby-trade gang November 23, with most of the suspected being heads and staff of orphanages around Hunan.

The following is commentary by Brian Stuy of Research-China.Org:

The Finances of Baby Trafficking: The recent news story of baby trafficking in the Hunan Province of China offers a disturbing view into the hidden market for young children. Although many Western adoptive parents read such stories with awe and puzzlement, this case has struck particularly close to home, given the involvement of individuals involved with the international adoption program. This recent event represents a convergence of two powerful market forces, the international adoption program, and the domestic demand in China for infants. Unfortunately, Western News organizations have misunderstood both the causes and forces behind these stories.

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