Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hunan -- Conflicting Information

There is conflicting information circulating on the internet about the closure of Hunan adoption. Here is the latest:

From Brian Stuy, posted to APC --

Over the years, I have had contact with scores of directors from orphanages I have visited. Sometimes I make further contact with them to get their opinions on events involving adoption.

This week I spoke with one such director, and he told me he had just been at a director's meeting where it had been announced that the CCAA was halting adoptions from Hunan until further notice. He did not indicate whether this would impact already-referred children and families with TAs.

Time will quickly show is this information is accurate or not. I believe it is solid.

From Jane Liedtke, forwarded to APC --

We have contacted CCAA and the Hunan Provincial Adoption Center (twice) and none of the orphanages in Hunan are closed to international adoptions. One orphanage director at a county orphanage in Hengyang is under investigation. They report that all Hunan adoptions are in a "go" situation not a stopped situation.

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