Thursday, March 23, 2006

Local Story

Adopted in China, Seeking Identity in America: Molly Feazel desperately wants to quit the Chinese dance group that her mother enrolled her in at age 5, because it sets her apart from friends in her Virginia suburb. Her mother, though, insists that Molly, now 15, will one day appreciate the connection to her culture.

[Update: Ray points out in a comment that the New York Times version of this article has a nice audio slide show narrated by the author, Lynette Clemetson.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a really important article in that some of the first children adopted from China, now teenagers, are interviewed. Their perspectives on growing up as Chinese adoptees is fascinating.

The New York Times version of this article (here) has a nice audio slide show narrated by the author, Lynette Clemetson.