Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Baby Adoption Case Draws Scrutiny in China: Liang Guihong is a goodhearted 56-year-old woman who finds homes for abandoned infants. Or she's a leader of a gang that sold abducted babies, some of whom were adopted abroad.

The Geopolitics of Sexual Frustration: The lost boys of Prof. Albert Macovski are upon us. Twenty years ago, the ultrasound scanning machine came into widespread use in Asia. The invention of Macovski, a Stanford University researcher, the device quickly gave pregnant women a cheap and readily available means to determine the sex of their unborn children. The results, by the million, are now coming to maturity in Bangladesh, China, India, and Taiwan. By choosing to give birth to males--and to abort females--millions of Asian parents have propelled the region into an extraordinary experiment in the social effects of gender imbalance.

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