Saturday, April 08, 2006

Preserving Old Photos and Slides

I've previously posted about and how they provide digital prints for $0.12 each. That is a fantastic deal.

If you have boxes of old photos or 35 mm slides, you may want to look at the Photomax PhotoSaver service. With PhotoSaver, you send in your photos or slides to Photomax's world-class photo preservation facility (located in Provo UT) where your photos are carefully cleaned, digitized, and placed online in your personal account on Your pictures are returned to you along with a CD of the digital photos.

I personally have been using it for the last two months as I go through a stack of slide carousels that my parents have kept in the basement for almost 40 years! I'm going to surprise them this year for Christmas with a CD of all the pictures. (Shhh . . . don't tell! ) My next project will be to digitize all of the adoption photos I took with traditional film. I want to make sure these are preserved forever.

If you're interested in digitizing your traditional photos or slides, I recommend Photomax. I am a Platinum member of Photomax (and a very satisfied customer), so anyone I refer gets 20 free 4x6 prints, a free 8x10, and 5 Gb of free on-line storage . . . just for creating a free user account.

Create a free user account here.

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