Sunday, May 15, 2005

Saturday, May 14, 2005

New Baby Site

The Huggies Baby Newtork is a new website that contains quite a bit of content. For example, it has a Virtual Room Decorator (so you can see how those purple drapes work with the orange wall paper!)

A Story Book Creator allows you can share pictures with friends.

The site also contains all sorts of parenting tips, special offers, and of course, a lot of marketing for Huggies.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Lots of Pictures from China! has over 1,600 pictures that people have tagged with the keyword "China." Many of the pictures are fantastic!

Basic Chinese Lessons

Tony from APC pointed out this Chinese language on-line tutorial. It is great for beginners!

Local Stories

Exchanging institutions for families: Robert Glover has brought about a mini revolution in China, one that he envisions will spill out to other parts of the world. [from China Daily]

Adoption facilitators honored at event: Lutheran Community Services of Southern New England on Thursday held an open house for Xue and Ma. The married couple help those who would be parents adopt children in their native China.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Chinese Music has a nice (but somewhat small) selection of music from different Asian countries, including China.

The music on these web pages is all from recordings, most often cassettes, that are either out of print, only available in the country of origin, or both. In most cases, they appear here with the gracious permission of either the artists or the recording companies.


In China's richest village, peasants are all shareholders now—by order of the party : Model community with spectacular industrial growth owes as much to feudalism as to communism.

Bad Lifestyles Sicken Guangzhou's Elderly: A survey in Guangzhou suggests that more than 90 percent of older people in the city are not healthy. Poor diet, smoking, drinking alcohol and eating spicy food have been blamed for the situation.

Shanghai Ferris Wheel To Top London Eye: China's wealthiest and most architecturally advanced city is planning to build the world's tallest Ferris wheel. The Shanghai Star Ferris, due to start spinning by 2008 when the Chinese capital, Beijing, hosts the Olympic Games, will stand at 200 to 230 meters (656 to 755 feet), stripping the world's tallest title from the 135-meter London Eye.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Boy's League

[Link from China Daily Online]


White tigers born in Harbin: The photo taken on May 10, 2005 shows a newly-born snow tiger at a Manchurian Tiger Park in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.

Google steps up fight for the China market: Web services leader Google Inc. has won a license to operate in China and has bought a Web address as it battles Yahoo Inc. in the world's second-largest Internet market.

Earliest states possibly in shape 5,000 years ago: Dozens of prehistoric states might have been developing in eastern China as early as 5,000 years ago,thousands of years before the birth of the first textually attested state that existed in Xia Dynasty (2100 B.C.-1600 B.C.), said a Sino-US archaeological research team.

Adoption movement comes to NU: Students hoping to facilitate the adoption of Chinese orphans are starting a Northwestern chapter of China Care, an organization founded by a Harvard student that is spreading to universities nationwide.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Diamonds in China

An article from Forbes, Wedded to the West, discusses the relatively new marketing campaign from the De Beers Group in China.

There was no such thing as a diamond wedding or engagement band in China until De Beers started marketing diamonds there in 1993. In traditional Chinese weddings the dress is red, not white, and the gift from the groom's family is jade or gold jewelry. Now many young brides wear white and often as not sport a crystalline rock. Diamond sales in China reached $1.2 billion in 2003.